IPDB Foundation Assumes Governance of BigchainDB Software and Testnet

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3 min readOct 1, 2018

IPDB Foundation will be taking over governance of the BigchainDB software, testnet, and related intellectual property (IP) via a donation from BigchainDB GmbH.

The Interplanetary Database (IPDB) Foundation e.V. is a German non-profit organisation focusing on research of governance models in the realization of blockchain technology. It was established in early 2016 with the community emerging around the BigchainDB software. IPDB is backed by a consortium of organizations dedicated to support the idea of well-governed blockchain database networks for use cases in identity, metadata management, and more.

The blockchain database network for the decentralized stack

Since its release three years ago, the software has matured to a stable v2. The open-source code is available under a permissive license (Apache2). It’s getting used as an essential component in projects by Tymlez, Riddle & Code, Ocean Protocol, GoodChain, Scantrust and more.

In parallel, the dedicated team behind IPDB has done tremendous work in the crucial first steps towards building knowhow relating to legal and technical infrastructure for a functioning production network and also commenced a test network for research purposes. The team has also built a governance model that offered transparency and legitimacy and confronted the reality of data protection law.

In 2018, the wider IPDB community took over active management of IPDB Foundation itself at the board level. The new board members are Joachim Lohkamp, Tom Fürstner and Elfriede Sixt, with Dr. Nina-Luisa Siedler and David Holtzman remaining additional members to the board.

Now, with the goal to shift control of BigchainDB software away from a single for-profit company to something more community-oriented, IPDB assumes governance and maintenance activities of the BigchainDB code, testnet, and related IP. Governance includes maintaining the canonical version of the BigchainDB source code on Github. The IP includes copyright on the software, and a licensing of BigchainDB trademark. This is made possible by a donation by BigchainDB GmbH. As part of the IPDB community, Tymlez, Riddle & Code, Ocean Protocol, ScanTrust, and Goodchain have committed resources to maintaining and improving BigchainDB software over time to support the ongoing research by IPDB in this area. BigchainDB will focus its energies on delivering Ocean Protocol to its community.

These steps take IPDB even closer to realizing its mission of becoming an internet-scale blockchain database network, with a keen eye towards governance and data protection as main focus of IPDB’s research.

IPDB is also excited to announce more updates during October. Expect the launch of the IPDB test network launch, a next community meetup and workshop to present and discuss latest research results, as well as new members joining the association.

You can stay up-to-date on the progress of the blockchain database and IPDB’s activities here:

IPDB website +++ Twitter +++ Meetup

For more information, including using the testnet or becoming a consortium member, please contact Joachim Lohkamp (joachim@jolocom.com), head of the IPDB Foundation.

