Broadcast live with IPEVO Annotator software

Broadcast live with IPEVO Annotator software

Published in
1 min readNov 21, 2019


Check out the latest feature added to IPEVO Annotator software — Live Broadcast! With this new feature, you can stream your computer screen in real-time through broadcasting services such as YouTube and share it with anyone you want. And while you are streaming live, you can still access the tools in Annotator such as Pen Tool, Basic Shapes, Ruler and Protractor. In addition to broadcasting your full screen, you also have the option to only stream a selected area of your screen. In this case, anything outside that area will not be shown. This option is ideal when you need to keep part of your screen for your teaching or presentation notes.

For more information on how to set up a live broadcast with IPEVO Annotator software, check out the following video:




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