Easy-to-Use Desktop Magnifier? IPEVO Has the Solution

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2 min readMar 17, 2014
Easy-to-Use Desktop Magnifier? IPEVO Has the Solution

We recently released the WS-01 Wireless Station on the IPEVO Online Store. The short summary on this product is that it can help your document camera (like Ziggi or the Point 2 View) communicate wirelessly with your iPad. For teachers and businesspeople in need of a doc cam/iPad combo, it’s the perfect fit.

We also wanted to share a new way to use the WS-01, Ziggi/P2V and iPad setup: as adesktop magnifier. You might also known this as a distance reader or electronic magnifier. Whether as a solution for the visually impaired, as a way to present text for a group of people, or just because you want to reduce eye strain from long sessions, reading a blown-up physical document on the iPad makes sense in a lot of contexts. With iPad, IPEVO products can deliver a quality desktop magnifier for not a lot of money. There is a certain desktop magnifier out there for education and the visually impaired which a) is very bulky and cumbersome, and b) literally costs thousands of dollars. The IPEVO solution is definitely neither of those!

We also wanted to share a new way to use the WS-01, Ziggi/P2V and iPad setup: as adesktop magnifier.

The missing ingredient we haven’t talked about is IPEVO Whiteboard. This free iPad app gives you a way to annotate your doc cam’s video stream in real time — draw lines, highlight, add text boxes, and more. But Whiteboard also allows you to zoom in (i.e. make the text much bigger) as well as focus on a particular part of the image. Whiteboard even allows you to save your images as “boards” which you can then add to your Photo Library or send to Evernote.

The missing ingredient we haven’t talked about is IPEVO Whiteboard.

With your iPad, the new WS-01 Wireless Station, and either Ziggi or the Point 2 View, you’ll have a functional desktop magnifier at just a fraction of the cost of “the big boys” — and that’s in addition to all the other doc cam uses we’ve told you about in previous entries. Intrigued? Check out the WS-01 Wireless Station page. You don’t have to pay a small fortune for distance reading and doc magnifying. IPEVO has you covered.




IPEVO is a whole new approach to classroom technology. We believe that classroom technology should allow educators to do more at a lower price.