How AI Technology Complements Document Cameras in Education

Published in
5 min readAug 16, 2021


The traditional idea of education used to be limited to the four walls of the classrooms. Employees and students alike were in many cases compulsorily required to be physically present. The possibilities of technology in enhancing education were not fully exploited.

Everything changed after the pandemic hit the world. Almost every sector had to find a way to survive amidst the lockdown. Learning had to continue without the possibility of spreading the virus. A lot of measures were put in place. Academic institutions engaged students virtually as an alternative to physical classes. Students were given access to recordings and video presentations of educational materials in their various remote locations.

As the pandemic slows down, it is undoubted that the gains of technology in enhancing education are enormous. For this reason, many have adopted a hybrid model of teaching and work as the new norm.


V4K pro

Sometimes called Visualizers or Doc Cams, these are high-resolution cameras used to magnify or project images of objects, paper notes are usually mounted on the arm to facilitate their placement over a page.

Document cameras are designed to display a three or two-dimensional object while the audience watches. The camera takes a picture and produces a live image using a monitor or a projector. Besides education, it has also been utilized to present materials in conferences, evidence in courtrooms, and even medical applications.

As the world changed its dynamic to a remote environment, Document Cameras have helped maintain an effective learning experience without regard to physical boundaries. Doc Cams have had to evolve to include more features that can improve remote learning regardless of the user’s surroundings, such as a microphone or a built-in LED light.


The main feature of artificial intelligence is a machine’s ability to mimic human actions and rationalize and exhibit traits associated with the human mind, such as learning and problem-solving. We can take the advantage of AI to enhance existing features, for example, the Microphone of a Document Camera.

Artificial intelligence technology in microphones is concerned with the suppression of background noise and enhancement of voice. The human brain can identify whether sounds come from a voice discussion between people or noise in the background. The hearing system can also focus on vocal sounds and ignore surrounding noises to make the conversation intelligible and clear.

Standard noise suppression technologies need to guess what type of emitted noise they need to suppress, resulting in random and poor efficiency. They rely on learning signals compiled manually by engineers. That means only noise that is stable and regular is removed.

How AI works with a Doc Cam

IPEVO, a leading Document Camera provider, has introduced V4K PRO, the World’s first Doc Cam with an AI-Enhanced Microphone that is built to extract vocal sounds from a noisy environment and let you enjoy an apparent crystal conversation or lecture.


It does this by acting as a filter to eliminate noise while still maintaining the natural sound of the voice. The artificial intelligence in V4K PRO has been trained with over 500 million data to effectively distinguish and preserve the human voice exactly as it would sound in a face-to-face conversation.



AI-powered devices like the IPEVO V4K PRO can help increase the efficiency of education workers in the following ways;

  • Achieve virtual courses and presentations with sounds just as flawless as they should naturally be. Even if you are in a noisy or dim-lit environment, teachers can carry on with their lessons without interruptions.
  • Make high-quality pre-recordings of your lessons or materials to share with your students.
  • Set up hybrid classrooms where remote students can be just as engaged as your in-class students.
  • Integrate your Document Camera with most existing software and hardware in your class set-up. For example, in-class projectors, computers, and 3rd party video conferencing apps.

It is evident from the pandemic experiences that education transcends the four walls of a physical classroom. To fully explore the gains of technology in education, consider adding a powerful, yet affordable, tool like the IPEVO V4K PRO. It is essential to delivering quality education and adapting to the ‘New Normal’, which features a blend of distant, in-person, and hybrid models of collaboration across institutions.

Find out more about the IPEVO V4K PRO Ultra HD Document Camera here:

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IPEVO is a whole new approach to classroom technology. We believe that classroom technology should allow educators to do more at a lower price.