How to Motivate with Technology, No Matter the Subject

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2 min readAug 29, 2014


Getting students excited about what they’re learning is half the battle when it comes to being a teacher. And this is particularly true when a student (often wrongly) feels he or she doesn’t have the aptitude for the subject you’re teaching. So, how can technology help generate that crucial enthusiasm? Here’s a taste of what teachers from around the Twitterverse have been doing with one teaching tool in particular, the IS-01 Interactive Whiteboard System from IPEVO. As you’ll see, a range of subjects are covered, so maybe a technique here might be useful for your own subject and teaching style.

Here’s IS-01 in art class, demonstrating perspective so that the whole class can see and understand.

Here’s IS-01 in art class, demonstrating perspective so that the whole class can see and understand.
Here’s IS-01 in art class, demonstrating perspective so that the whole class can see and understand.

IS-01 also makes an appearance in biology class, teaching the concept of Punnett Squares.

IS-01 also makes an appearance in biology class, teaching the concept of Punnett Squares.

Handwriting and spelling is a good fit for IS-01. Tactile learners can practice at the board while visual learners can watch as it happens.

Handwriting and spelling is a good fit for IS-01.

Here, a history teacher makes good use of Martin Luther King Day to introduce historical facts via a drag-and-drop style exercise.

A history teacher makes good use of Martin Luther King Day to introduce historical facts via a drag-and-drop style exercise.

And in English class, real-time annotation and different color options make it easy to identify parts of a text.

In English class, real-time annotation and different color options make it easy to identify parts of a text.

No matter what your subject, chances are you could benefit from an interactive whiteboard. And at only $149, the IS-01 Interactive Whiteboard System could be what you need while not breaking your budget.




IPEVO is a whole new approach to classroom technology. We believe that classroom technology should allow educators to do more at a lower price.