IPEVO’s RMA Journey Part Four: Utilizing Document Cameras for Teaching Languages

IPEVO’s RMA Journey Part Four: Utilizing Document Cameras for Teaching Languages

Published in
4 min readAug 23, 2019


Ever since our Taiwan office piloted an RMA giveaway program for rural schools in Taiwan, our blog posts have been following IPEVO’s RMA Journey to see firsthand how the company’s refurbished document cameras have been leveling the education playing field for these underprivileged schools. In Part One, we explained the rigorous and stringent testing process that each document camera underwent before being certified as refurbished and sent to underserved schools. In Part Two, we explored how the document cameras enhanced Arts & Crafts lessons for both teachers and students. And in Part Three, we saw how students gained a deeper understanding in Math and Science & Technology through close-up observations, convenient math lessons, and high quality images that were captured by the intuitive and portable document cameras. Here, in our final blog post, we journey to English and Mandarin classes to see how the document cameras are making a difference in language courses.

In Yunlin county, the teachers at Wenguang Elementary School received both a P2V document camera and a Ziggi-HD Plus document camera. With only two document cameras, the teachers at Wenguang, who took turns using the document cameras on a rotating schedule, were able to keep all students on the same page. Literally. Each teacher was able to use a document camera for Mandarin reading sessions. As each class only had access to one copy of a Chinese newspaper, the document cameras allowed the teachers to project newspaper articles onto the large screen for all students to read together, keeping them all on the same page.

Students reading the same copy of a Chinese newspaper together, projected by a refurbished document camera.
Students reading the same copy of a Chinese newspaper together, projected by a refurbished document camera.

In Kaohsiung city, Longshan Elementary School’s English teacher was able to save time prepping for each class thanks to a VZ-1 HD document camera. The teacher’s interactive lesson plan involved inviting pairs of students to present their workbook content “onstage” and converse in English to other students based on their work. Before receiving the document camera, the teacher’s only way of implementing her lesson plan was by 1) using a camera to take individual pictures of the students’ work 2) uploading the images to a computer and then 3) displaying the images on a connected projector.

The teacher used the VZ-1 HD to display students’ workbooks to the whole class in real time, resulting in a more efficient process that eliminated the need for preliminary work. With a significant decrease in preparation time, the English teacher was able to dedicate more time and effort engaging with students during classroom time.

A pair of students using the VZ-1 HD document camera to display their English workbook to the class while the teacher conduct
A pair of students using the VZ-1 HD document camera to display their English workbook to the class while the teacher conducts her lesson.
The VZ-1 HD allows students to share their work in real time with other students.
The VZ-1 HD allows students to share their work in real time with other students.
A pair of students conversing in English with the class about their workbook content.
A pair of students conversing in English with the class about their workbook content.

In Tainan city, Jianan Elementary School received a P2V document camera for both their English and Mandarin classes. During the English lessons, the teacher used the P2V to create a fun and artistic way of learning by teaching students how to make origami and adorn it with English alphabet letters. Students were able to follow the onscreen process step-by-step through real-time images displayed by the P2V. The teacher also used the document camera to provide real-time feedback, marking assignments live and asking the entire class to discuss the pros and cons of each assignment so that students could learn from each other.

Students learning how to make English-lettered origami art.
Students learning how to make English-lettered origami art.

During Mandarin lessons, the teacher used the P2V to display reading materials for read aloud sessions, highlighting important sections of the text and analyzing them as the students read along.

A refurbished P2V document camera easily set up and ready to display Mandarin teaching materials.
A refurbished P2V document camera easily set up and ready to display Mandarin teaching materials.
A teacher displaying Mandarin text for a read aloud session.
A teacher displaying Mandarin text for a read aloud session.

Finally, in Changhua county, Luocuo Elementary School received a Ziggi-HD Plus document camera for their Mandarin lessons. The Ziggi-HD Plus’s swiveling head and high quality images allowed the teacher to project the textbook and simultaneously conduct lessons for the entire class. Furthermore, the document camera’s lightweight and portable design made it easy to bring to different classrooms, while the intuitive software made the document camera easy for teachers to use.

A teacher displaying a Mandarin textbook to the entire class with the Ziggi-HD Plus.
A teacher displaying a Mandarin textbook to the entire class with the Ziggi-HD Plus.

Thanks for following IPEVO’s RMA Journey and learning how our refurbished document cameras are making a difference in rural Taiwan. We hope you enjoyed the journey as much as we did!




IPEVO is a whole new approach to classroom technology. We believe that classroom technology should allow educators to do more at a lower price.