Playing tabletop games remotely using IPEVO document cameras

Playing tabletop games remotely using IPEVO document cameras

Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2019


Planning to play tabletop games remotely with your friends or family members that live thousand miles away? Now you can truly engage in and enjoy the interactive aspects of tabletop games as if they were played right in front of you with the help of document cameras from IPEVO. Let’s check out how IPEVO document cameras work to provide that experience.

1. High image clarity
What’s more important than high image clarity when it comes to playing tabletop games remotely? We know the significance of being able to see clearly at anything the other party shows you, and understand the frustration when you are only getting blurry images. Rest assured you won’t be getting sub-quality images with IPEVO document cameras as they come with 8 megapixel image sensors that feature excellent performance in image clarity, noise reduction, and color reproduction. All these work together to deliver crisp, clear and vivid images. Be surprised by not only what you will see, but also what you can see.

2. Easy to setup and simple to use
If staying connected is one of the purposes of playing tabletop games remotely with your loved ones, then the setup should be as simple as possible so that it will not deter any member — regardless of their age or tech-savviness — from joining in. This is exactly how IPEVO document cameras are designed around — simple to use. The plug and play feature of IPEVO document cameras requires no driver to be installed prior to using them. To use them, simply plug them into a USB port of your computer then launch a *software of your choice. It’s as hassle-free as that!

*Note: The software must be able to read video stream coming from a UVC camera. See the following point for more details.

3. Can be used with a variety of software
All IPEVO document cameras are UVC cameras, therefore they can be used with any software that can read video stream coming from a UVC camera. This makes IPEVO document cameras compatible with a large variety of 3rd party software and streaming services, such as Skype, Google Hangouts, Discord, OBS, and YouTube Live. Just use your document camera with the software that you are already comfortable with.

Using IPEVO document camera with a 3rd party streaming service.
Using IPEVO document camera with a 3rd party streaming service.

4. Switch between “webcam view” and “doc cam view” easily
Reposition the camera to capture from different heights, angles and orientations using the multi-jointed arm of IPEVO document cameras. With a tilt of the camera head, you can switch easily from a “webcam view” of yourself to a “doc cam view” of any material that you wish to show your friends/family. This makes it totally possible to show off your dice rolling skills during the game!

Adjust the multi-jointed arm of your IPEVO document camera to capture and show off your dice rolling skill.
Adjust the multi-jointed arm of your IPEVO document camera to capture and show off your dice rolling skill.

5. Double up as microphone for communicating
When playing tabletop games, particularly role-playing games (RPG), you’ll need to be able to communicate with each other verbally. This is where IPEVO document cameras come in handy with their built-in microphones. You can set the built-in microphone as your audio device and use it for communicating. This helps saving time and money as you don’t have to spent more on buying and setting up an external microphone.

6. Greater ease of use with tactile buttons
The tactile buttons placed on the body of IPEVO VZ-R and VZ-X document cameras give you quick control over live images. By pressing them, you can quickly and easily zoom in or out to look at any material, increase or decrease the exposure for a clearer image, rotate and/or refocus the image, and do much more. It increases the ease of use as you don’t have to switch to and fro your computer and the document camera.

Here’s a short video that sums up the benefits and convenience of using IPEVO document cameras to play tabletop games remotely, check it out:

So what are you waiting for? Grab an IPEVO document camera, invite your loved ones to a session of remote tabletop gaming, and stay connected and engaged!




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