Facebook Now Allows Brands To Use Canvas For Page Posts

IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab
Published in
1 min readJun 21, 2016

What Happened
Facebook launched Canvas ads in late February, enabling brands to extend the fast-loading speed they get with Instant Articles and rich media support to their mobile ads. Starting Tuesday, the social network is also allowing brands to use the interactive format for organic posts on their Pages. Canvas posts can include text, auto-playing videos, photo carousels, and even panoramic photos. According to Facebook, users have spent 31 seconds on average in a Canvas ad since the format’s launch.

What Brands Need To Do
By making Canvas widely available for Page owners without requiring ad buys, Facebook is no doubt trying to lure more brands into trying out this relatively new ad format so that they will be convinced of its advantages for ads, too. For brands, the extended availability should come as a welcome tool that they can leverage to create fast-loading, rich media content on Facebook to fully engage with their followers.

For more information on how and why brands should try out Facebook Canvas, click here to read our Fast Forward analysis on the ad product.



IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab

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