Facebook To Loosen Restrictions On Instant Articles Ads

IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab
Published in
1 min readNov 13, 2015

What Happened
Facebook might soon allow more ads into Instant Articles, a fast-access publishing tool it first introduced in May. Faced with mounting pressure from publishers over the limited ad revenues, Facebook is said to be considering loosening policies that limit the number of ads and prohibit rich media in Instant Articles. Facebook currently only allows one banner ad for every 500 words of content within Instant Articles, while also banning rich media ads within Instant Articles for the sake of faster loading time.

What Brands Need To Do
By loosening its restrictions for ads in Instant Articles, Facebook aims to make nice with the publishers in order to keep them on board with its publishing platform. This move should increase the ad spots available in Instant Articles, which spells new opportunities for brands to reach their audiences.



IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab

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