GlassUp Takes On Google Glass

IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab
Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2013

Google Glass has its first competitor. GlassUp, an Italian startup that recently added its product to Indiegogo, has raised $25,000 towards its version of augmented reality specs that will cost a fraction of the Google Glass. The eyewear works with your smartphone and makes it simple to see emails, text messages, news, and driving directions right in front of your eyes. Gianluigi Tregnaghi, GlassUp’s founder, claims to have created the product two years ago, before Google announced Glass. The information in the smartphone is sent to the glasses via Bluetooth, and the notifications are broadcasted on GlassUp’s lenses — but it projects information closer to the center of vision, much like looking through a windshield. Though there are fewer features as of yet — the company calls GlassUp a “receive only” device — the $399 price point is significantly easier on the wallet than Google’s $1500 asking price.



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