Google’s AMP To Support Five Ad Networks, For Now

IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab
Published in
1 min readOct 8, 2015

What Happened
Yesterday, Google unveiled the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project, giving online publishers and content creators an open standard that aims at speeding up the mobile web. Based on the information available yesterday, we gathered that it wouldn’t support the tracking codes necessary for targeted ads, therefore most ads delivered on AMP pages would be static. Now, new details on AMP have emerged that indicate, while it is true that all ad networks using third-party JavaScript will be banned, it will in fact support five ad networks at launch. Four of those networks are owned by Google, Amazon, and AOL, putting smaller networks at a disadvantage. Google is said to be open to adding support for other ad networks in the future.

What Agencies Need To Do
A number of online publishers are reportedly on board with AMP, such as The New York Times, The Guardian, Washington Post, and Vox. For ad agencies, this means their choice of ad networks will have to take AMP’s limited support into consideration if those aforementioned platforms are involved. Now that AMP has been released to the public and Google is getting feedback, it is evolving quickly and agencies should keep a close eye on its continued development.

Source: NiemanLab



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