Google’s Eddystone Beacons Deployed For Buses In London

IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab
Published in
1 min readMar 28, 2016

What Happened
Google introduced its own beacon protocol named Eddystone last July to compete with Apple’s iBeacon, and now it is finally being tested in the real world. Proxama, a UK-based mobile commerce company partnered with out-of-home advertising firm Exterion Media to create the MyStop project, which marks “the world’s first deployment of a Physical Web consumer engagement experience.” Launched this month in London, this project equipped a hundred buses with Eddystone beacons that send out URL-based notifications to nearby smartphone users with the Chrome browser installed on their phones. Upon tapping, the notifications will open a web-based app that provide real-time route updates and other relevant information.

What Brands Need To Do
While this deployment doesn’t currently include any ad opportunities, the creators reportedly plan to add related advertising eventually. Nevertheless, this project showcases an interesting use case for beacon-based proximity technology that goes beyond its usual usage in the retail environment. Brands seeking to connect with local consumers at a hyperlocal level should certainly keep this example in mind when developing location-based marketing campaigns.



IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab

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