Lab Podcast: Episode 21

AI Takes The Wheel: The Future of Autonomous Vehicles feat. Mauricio Angulo

Scott Elchison
IPG Media Lab
2 min readJul 27, 2018



Welcome to Floor 9! This week we take a look at the rapid development of autonomous vehicle technology, the major challenges it is facing, and its potential impact on consumer behavior. From how cities are designed to the next retail evolution, autonomous vehicles will usher in a whole new level of convenience not just in transportation, but all aspects of our lives. Joining us this week is special guest Mauricio Angulo, the America’s Marketing Communications Manager for ExxonMobil Fuels.

Download and listen to this episode on iTunes or Google Play Store.

What We Covered:

  • Potential challenges facing autonomous vehicles
  • The transportation bundle of the future: Multimodal Transportation
  • Impact on consumer behavior & urban planning
  • The next retail revolution
  • We discuss how city and suburban infrastructure will be changed
  • Gas, electricity, or algae — what will power the AV’s of tomorrow?
  • Brand takeaways
  • We laugh about oil ruling the world!

Related Links:

  • IPG Media Lab CES 2018 Recap [Medium]
  • Our take on the future of transportation and mobility services [Medium]

You can follow Mauricio on Twitter @MMangulo2003

