Lab Podcast — Floor 9: Episode 11

The Changing Movie-Going Experience

Scott Elchison
IPG Media Lab
2 min readMar 7, 2018



Welcome to Floor 9! This week’s episode is inspired by the runaway success of Black Panther. But big box office successes like Black Panther are becoming rare outside of superhero movies and established franchises. This is largely due to a shift happening with consumers and how they consume content. The traditional windowing strategies are now at a precarious tipping point as less and less people attend movies in favor of on demand streaming services. How did this all happen and where is movie-going going? Download and listen to find out!

Note: This episode contains ZERO spoilers for Black Panther.

What We Covered:

  • Windowing strategy and the shift in the theatrical industry
  • The WHY? Why is the movie going experience changing. Hint: Netflix.
  • Convenience vs. Experience — How do you enjoy the movies?
  • MoviePass champions the subscription model for movie-going, but why are theaters largely against it?
  • Predictions: $30 premium rentals of movies, Sean Parker’s Screening Room and $100 movie ticket?
  • Updated: Ben went and saw Black Panther after recording this episode and he loved it

Download and listen to this episode from iTunes or Google Play Store.


People are more and more accustomed to being able to access content the day it is released. That combined with the entry barrier of going to the movies in the first place when you have so much content on demand — that you’re already paying for as part of your Netflix or Amazon subscription — movies really have to compete to get your attention.

- Adam Simon

Related Links:

a16z Podcast: The Internet of Taste, Streaming Content to Culture

Movie Studios’ Outdated Playbooks From The Age Of Scarcity

Stats from the National Association of Theatre Owners

