Toyota Gets Local With Geo-Targeted Snapchat Ads

IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab
Published in
1 min readJun 29, 2015

Read original story on: AdAge

Toyota is getting on Snapchat, marking the first time ever an automotive brand has utilized the popular messaging app’s geo-targeting ad format. As a latest evolution of its “Let’s Go Places” campaign, the carmaker is targeting Snapchat users in the great Los Angeles area, who will soon start seeing promoted video ads with city-specific content inside Snapchat’s localized Live Story feed, a new feature debuted earlier this year.

Of course, Toyota is not first brand to tap into Snapchat’s localized ad offers. Last week, McDonald’s started offering location-activated Geo-filters for users visiting the 14,000 McDonald’s stores across the States. As Snapchat and other messaging apps start leveraging their mobile-first nature and resulting location-awareness into sophisticated ad formats, we expect to see more brands to get on board.



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