Uber To Allow Third-Party Apps To Entertain Riders

IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab
Published in
1 min readJan 13, 2016

What Happened
Uber doesn’t want you to get bored during your ride, so it has tweaked its API to allow developers to plug their apps in to serve riders with games, news, and other entertainment content during the ride. Aptly named “Trip Experiences,” this new feature will essentially allow a third-party app, with the user’s permission, to serve up notifications and content via Uber’s app with notifications customized according to the lengths of the rides.

What Brands Need To Do
This marks Uber’s latest move in its continued quest to integrate third-party apps and services into its app via partnerships and deep-linking. Last year, for example, the ride-hailing app partnered with StubHub and Spotify to expand the functionality of its app. For brands, “Trip Experiences” offers a great window to get their content in front of a captive audience in the backseats of Uber cars. However, users will need to give permission before third-party apps can connect to Uber and access their trip details, so brands should be mindful about the content they serve to make sure it adds true value to Uber passengers.

Source: The Verge



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