Chamath for California

Alexander Roznowski
IPO 2.0
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2021

Why Chamath for California is the best thing that could happen.

Chamath for Govenor of California [Credit: Chamath Palihapitiya]

California has been the leading center of tech innovation in the last decades. But instead of improving the living standard in California, it has never been harder to live in the state.

The state is facing an imminent climate crisis, a housing crisis, and on top of it an education crisis. Chamath Palihapitiya promises to tackle these issues as potential future Governor of California.

1. Climate Crisis

San Francisco [credit: Bloomberg]

In September 2020, haunting images of an orange sky from the worst wildfires on record made climate change feel real for most citizens in California. Three of the four largest blazes in the state’s history ignited in 2020, with wildfires torching an unprecedented 2.2 million acres and cutting power to hundreds of thousands of residents.

We need to solve climate change now.

2. Housing Crisis

[Credit: Getty Images]

Since 1970, California has been experiencing an increasing housing shortage. In 2018, California ranked 49th among the United States in housing units per resident. This shortage has been estimated to be 3–4 million housing units (20–30% of California’s housing stock, 14 million as of 2017).

We need to build more housing now.

3. Education Crisis

Tuition data from National Center for Education Statistics and inflation data calculated using 1963–1964 tuition and tuition increase at rate of inflation from CPI Inflation Calculator. Graph by Noa Maltzman.

Since 1963, college tuition has increased approximately 1,640%. College tuition has risen faster than the rate of inflation and faster than health care costs. According to Gordon Wadsworth, author of The College Trap, the cost of higher education has increased over 2 ½ times the inflation rate.

We need to solve education now.

Chamath for California

The two incumbent parties have created a political void for everyone that supports centrism. Instead of working together to solve the hardest problems, they played the endless blaming game leading even to climate change denial.

Chamath is the ideal candidate who could finally fill the political void and bridge technological innovation with social justice.

Here are his propositions for his candidacy as potential future Governor of California:

  • 0% State Tax: We can cut taxes to 0% from 16% and drive growth which will increase the state’s revenue from $150B to $300B.
  • $70,000 Teacher Salary: Our most valuable resource is education. Teachers deserve a minimum of $70k to educate our future
  • Global Center for Tech & Climate Jobs: Technological innovation is crucial to creating change. Let’s make California the global center of all tech & climate jobs by realigning our incentives rather than pushing them away.
  • Free School Vouchers: I’ll give students a free voucher to pick any school they want to attend. Education is a human right in the U.S. and our children should be able to choose where they receive it.
  • No Student Loans: We have over 1.6 TRILLION dollars of student debt. The ISA model realigns the incentives of universities & students. CA will guarantee ISAs so you don’t have to get student loans ever again
  • $2,000 for Every New Child Born in CA: If we want California to remain as the technological hub of the world, we have to encourage more people to settle down & live here.
The Propositions [Credit: Chamath Palihapitiya]

Disclaimer: I support Chamath Palihapitiya for California.

