A Bouquet of Colours

if ideas had colours

Neera Handa Dr


To dance free image on pixabay

Dreaming up a bouquet of light, and colours

erupting a volcano of flowers:

some bright, and outrageously happy

some wanton and wandering, like a desire

some sombre, and wistful,

tired, and brooding,

some demure, and timorous

dark and bleeding,

some revoltingly, rebellious, courageous,

and some tempestuous, threateningly defiant!

Yes, colours of all shades and manner

escaping, the prism of her mind

casting a web of dreams!

Beware beware her flowery hair!

circle thrice to

cross your heart

and promises to keep,

she is drunk on colours

and the colours are contagious!



Neera Handa Dr

Top writer in poetry & Sustainability, compulsive writer, reading, writing just about anything. I write daily, have published a PhD, a book & academic articles.