A Different Milestone

A poem

Rachit Jain
2 min readApr 25, 2021


Source: BioSpace

An employee harboring ambitions
Of climbing up the corporate ladder,
A photographer feeling thrilled
By the breath-taking shots captured,
An entrepreneur jumping to excitation
On starting his long-awaited venture,
A traveler visiting places
And exploring various cultures.

An artist expressing creativity
By embodying abstract ideas,
A cook possessing a knack
For baking the perfect tortillas,
A scientist conducting experiments,
On the verge of a discovery,
A YouTuber finding his niche,
Rising to overnight glory.

A footballer mastering the craft
Of netting a top-cornered goal,
An actor rehearsing for hours
To play that coveted role,
A teacher deriving contentment
On rubbing the chalk against the board,
An environmentalist drawing his purpose
From protecting the natural resource.

A doctor working around the clock,
To cure his patients,
A lawyer fighting for justice,
Proving his client’s innocence,
A soldier drenching in blood
While safeguarding his motherland,
Or a little boy gaining happiness
By building castles of sand.

With everyone running a different race,
No metric can measure ‘success’…
Awaiting to be explored
Are a thousand beautiful roads,
Imparting your life a unique meaning
Without a question of winning or losing.
So do not run after the success
I defined for myself
Nor should I pursue the success
You spelled out for yourself.
To each its own
A different milestone!

