A Timeless Treasure

A celebration of friendship, laughter, and the enduring memories we create together.

Suresh Sangwan Saru
Oct 17, 2023


photo by Author on canva

Let’s capture a picture, my dear, with laughter that gleams,
In the journey of life, bathed in radiant beams.

Learn the craft of winning hearts with grace so pure,
Your simplicity shines, of that, I am sure.

Who’s retaining rating of ways we live our days,
Some pick paths of darkness in melancholic haze.

Forget no longer the streets, the path of the past,
In laughter and friendship, our bond will always last

Our dreams take flight, like stories in the night,
In moments of pure joy, we find our delight.

Let’s treasure this moment as our dreams take their flight,
Let’s live in the clock of our hearts, bathed in laughter so light.

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Suresh Sangwan Saru

Passionate Writer, Curious Learner, I am saru who weaves the beauty of words, melodies, With a profound passion for music ,soulful gazals,