All That I Lost During My Search

A poem

Krishna Samyuta
2 min readMar 21, 2024


Photo by Geranimo on Unsplash

In search of love, I lost my dream. My heart is sculpted into unfathomable. The pain was agonizing and unbearable. Buried deep down is my unconditional love for you.

In search of light, I lost my passion for the dark. The vision of the night sky, the enchanting moon and stars. The penetrating deep blue sky and the delicate blend of ebb and flow.

In search of a goal, I lost the essence of my journey. The thrust and eagerness to succeed destroyed my acquaintance. The accomplishment is not as delightful as the course.

In search of peace, I lost my anger. The rage that kept me going, but I ain’t vexed with myself anymore. The touch of my soul, cold and unsympathetic.

In search of bliss, I lost my sorrow. The land of thirst with the mystery of mirage, the value of happiness lost in the absence of sorrow.

In search of myself, I lost myself. Not until I was lost could I find myself. Self-discovery is guided by a deviant way.

In search of the horizon, I lost the tranquility of the caves deep inside the ocean. The serene rise of tides to reach the sky, every attempt to move forward.

In search of what I don’t have, I failed to embrace all that I have. I wish to have realized this early, to love what I already have dearly.

In search of my fascination with the unknown, I discerned the worth of ambiguity. Isn’t it calm to be content and to encounter ecstasy in our life?

Thank you for reading! 🙂

Krishna Samyuta ❤



Krishna Samyuta

An environmentalist, linguaphile and an ardent believer of holistic living. Enthusiastic towards life and love.