Cocktail of Emotions in Notifications

A poem.

2 min readJan 25, 2024


Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

In the quiet dusk, a weary girl reclines,
On the couch of solace, seeking to unwind,
After a day engulfed by duties, in a relentless stream,
No time for respite she found, caught in life’s grand scheme.
Daily tussles, a relentless hustle,
She yearns for a pause, a moment to nuzzle.
As night descends and stars softly gleam,
She opens her phone, entering a digital dream.
Seeking a distraction,
Entering the world of pixels, seeking digital satisfaction
She sees Harry taking a cruise,
posting about his luxurious voyage, in his priciest suit.
Further, she sees Emma’s makeup routine,
Her wardrobe choices are like a fashion dream.
Scrolling further, she sees Charlie hiking, exploring far and wide,
While Tom raises a toast to a promotion with pride.
Newlywed Monica shares cheesy captions and playful rhymes,
In the digital world, where love does chime.
Joey exploring cuisines, each bite a flavorful paint
While Robin enjoying with her group of friends
and Alex poses with monks and saints.
Amidst the glamour, tired and disappointed with a subtle sigh,
Her mundane life seems to scream a silent lullaby.
Switching off the phone, she lays it aside,
Hoping that in the arms of sleep, her FOMO will hide.
Meanwhile, Harry, Emma, Charlie, Tom, Monica, Joey, Alex and Robin,
On seeing her ‘like’ notification pop in,
Wonder how, without any external validation,
To herself, her life she keeps,
in her solace, how so comfortably she finds reprieve?




In a continuous pursuit of wisdom through learning, reading, and writing.