Crossing Over

a poem

Krystyna Szul
2 min readJan 28, 2024


January 1, 2024 Sunrise. Photo by the author.
January 1, 2024 Sunrise. Photo by the author.

Just like that
like that
the still seemingly strange year
came to a halting end, and
a not even day-old
yet already so optimistic
new one
tumbled in.

We were still here
Still aghast with
the price
of eggs and gas
inflation? — you ask —
yes, still skyrocketting, and
the homelessness and housing situations
the geopolitics
the economy
all in a tailspin.

We were still here
Still stunned with
an age-old avarice, and
this war just blowing up, and
that one, still raging with no end in sight.

We were still here
in the middle of the flu,
with the still lingering pandemic, and
the never-ending chores, and
just work, and
something other
more or less significant
whatever it was.

We were still here when
this old year petulantly cleared out
Poof! — tenure ended
Let go was the gnat
just like that.

Gone with a peep or two, but
forever now
with a tombstone in the annals
with markings of some more or less likely notables —
already forgotten.

And today…
Had the word
the news
someone keeping the score
not proclaimed it
I may have missed
this time border crossing

Today, just like yesterday
I rose
I rose before the first sunrays, and
I took the dogs outdoors, and
I thought — Well, here I am
I — a little speck of this earth
still alive
still given this moment
still looking through
this window in time
into the eyes of
this new day.

Snowflakes kissed my face and hands, and
my dogs’ paws, and
I thought of you
of how your world
is still ablaze, and how
I wish you to know
there are places
where the universe still
whispers gently, and
keeps you safe
where your heart is calm and content.

Wherever you may be
may this whisper carry your way
may it cross over to you
on the wings of this new year
and bring you peace.



Krystyna Szul

A poet/writer-wannabe. A child, learning to walk in the literary world, finding joy in a sandbox of words. Lover of laughter, nature, animals, and good people.