November Whatever

Zach Carpenter
Published in
Nov 14, 2021

A darker poem to brighten your day.

Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

No time for remorse or shame.
The wind won’t wait, blowing dead leaves
into the driveway. The autumn sun, a once bright,

all-seeing eye, gone too soon, replaced
by the moon, reminding me that I’ll never
leave this earth alive. I learn from where I’ve been,

what I’ve done, what I’ll probably do again,
secrets I’ll carry with me to the grave.

I take and take and take. But nothing is a waste,
if we learn from it. This’s everyone’s on-going hope,

the dark unknowing cloud in which we trust —
trapped in a body —a pathetic apology — a desperate,
foolish beast, anchored to the only soul I know,

every time I open my stupid eyes.



Zach Carpenter

Railroader by day, writer by night. Spreading the word like a virus.