
A poem.

2 min readSep 12, 2023


Photo by Tahiro Achoub on Unsplash

Desperation stalks the land

A roaring hangry lion out for blood

Looking and lurking

Awaiting an opportunity to pounce and devour

Desperation stalks the land

A bleary-eyed beast with bloodshot eyes

Fiery rage and an embittered soul Its trap set awaiting the unwary

Desperation stalks the land

Alert and prancing. Aggressive, menacing and uncaring, ready and willing to do whatever it takes to live and survive the harsh life climate

Desperation stalks the land

In garbs of poverty, hunger, unemployment, destitution, lack, homelessness, hopelessness, helplessness, disease and emptiness

Eyes darting like daggers seeking the right moment to attack, steal, dispossess, rob, kill and destroy

Desperation stalks the land

An unruly beast fed fat and nurtured by myriad evils - Inequality, lawlessness, nepotism, ethnicity, tribalism, favouritism, suppression, intolerance, hate, and bigotry

Desperation stalks the land

Giving full reign to man’s most depraved of nature - Wickedness, jealousy, envy, avarice, and insensitivity. Uncaring, unbothered, unmoved, lacking empathy or humanity; humane feelings or brotherly affiliation

Desperation stalks the land. An unruly, vicious animal

Seeking to devour and devour Its ravenous appetite unsatiated notwithstanding the carcasses, havoc, and destruction it wreaks

Desperation stalks the land

Fully believing itself justified In unleashing terror on a society that created it, abandoned it, forgot it, and left it to rot. Its version of justice content to take back what it can By any means necessary, society be damned

Desperation stalks the land. An enraged monster uncaged, with no one able to tame it, threatening to tear apart and run askew the already tattered fabric of uneasy peace

© Faminu Imabong 2023

