Dissonant Heart

Harmonious relationships come from staying in tune with yourself

Hannah Stoltenberg


Photo by Darren Coleshill on Unsplash

So many times I’ve said, “I’m done!”
“Let the rest of the song go unsung.”
“Forget the beauty of the melody.”
“Remember, it is only temporary.”

But I let the song continue,
Going against what my heart knew.
A dissonant beauty, unexplained.
A cycle of twisted mind games

Drawn in by a delicate, toxic breath
Holding a wisp of a promise,
That pleased ears and soothed the heart.
Ignoring that, which was falling apart

Hearing only false notes of hope,
Suppressing an inner alarm.
Ignorant of a song off-key.
A song sung deep within me

a dissonant heart
picks the wrong harmony



Hannah Stoltenberg

A scholar, a teacher, a lover of words and adventure.