Poetry | Life | Truth

Echoes of Remembrance

Fading light

Sam Letterwood


Candle burning
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

The quiet alcoves of our fleeting days,
where shadows linger on the periphery,
we find the remnants of a life well-lived,
now slipping away like autumn leaves.

A tune of laughter silenced,
replaced by the solemn dirge of loss,
played on the strings of cherished memories,
the melody of joy now shrouded in sorrow.

Chapters once vivid, now stained with tears,
written in the wrinkles of a weathered face,
each line a roadmap of a journey concluded,
etched in the heart’s somber reflection.

Life, the relentless sculptor of time,
carves its mark with both gentle caress
and cruel embrace, leaving behind
a masterpiece colored by joy and grief.

As the final curtain falls, casting shadows,
and the echoes of footsteps fade,
let grief be the silent conductor,
guiding the tunes of farewell.

Yet, within this elegy, find the solace,
amidst the mournful notes, a whisper,
that the departed are but a breath away,
alive in the cherished echoes of memory.

In the twilight of this elegy,
let gratitude be our mourning attire,
for the gift of shared moments and love,
a requiem for the departed, yet a hymn for the living.

© Sam Letterwood 2024. All Rights Reserved.



Sam Letterwood

Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner