Eden’s Liberation

A woman in rapture

Alan Tegel
3 min readJul 17, 2020


Photo by Donlaya from rawpixel

A woman in rapture
Men at her call
Needs being captured
Her lust on a fall

Pleasure rising up with tongues and fingers abound
Body seeking release
Yet her body never falls

Out of the air comes a shriek
A horrible noise
The lovers evaporate
The darkness unfolds

The woman eyes open up
Her body chained at places
No lovers are found just a device
Made by the Devil what an awful fright

She hits the off button
On the alarm clock by her bed

She puts a robe on her body feeling dread
She goes to the kitchen to crack the eggs
And to slaughter the pigs
Dresses the bread with liquid butter
Feeling like sin.

She looks at the table the kids instantly appear
Looking melancholy she ever has so much fear
She feeds them all their faces glow a new
She realizes she gave them her heart
She is sad why me too.

Her champion arrives and sits at the table
She delivers his plate.
She screams in horror wherever is your face
No love no speech no kindness comes forth
She walks back to the kitchen with tears coming forth

She grabs a cup of coffee feeling the itch from the night before
She looks out the window and sees a man and woman standing there, a glow
She cries why me I didn’t deserve this.

She sees the man waiving come forward please miss
She walks to the door sees it locked real hard.
She takes the chains on her and beats the door down

She walks to the couple standing in the bright sunlight
She asks who are you
She giggles and he smiles we are not hear to fright

I told my lover and partner and friend to whisper in your ear
The dreams a real man would do to you if he were playing out here
Look down at your legs as you think of last night.
The liquids drip down and dissolve the chain from your sight.

The woman kisses you and breaths in the fresh air.
Feel my feminine power and the strength from a million years
Your body surges and glows and the clothes drop off
You realize you are being freed and you do not feel distraught

You look at the man and say who are you
I am the man you deserve with all the respect and love
I want you to play and enjoy life and all of the above

Kiss all the boys and girls since you are free
She will take you to the land where there is honey and milk
And you will be set free

You take the goddesses’ hand and you ask where is the man going
He is a warrior of the toughest kind
He will slay that faceless demon of the worst kind

He may not live and he may die
But place your hand on the belly as he will arise
He will fight with love, care, and the divine.
For this is the kind of man you deserve for the eternity of time.

The woman opens her eyes and is back in the kitchen and place
The husband is gone the kids are set free
She is in her own place.
She raises the pen up like a mighty sword

I am now free to find that man or woman forevermore.



Alan Tegel

Lover of people, Texas Feminist Liberal Democrat, Horse Farm, High Tech Gadget ENFP Guy, and someone who appreciates the struggle of women and wants to help.