Eternal Echoes: A Serenade of Solace

A poetic reverie that softly touches upon the intangible moments that bring solace to the heart.

The Poetry Lover's Companion


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

In the quiet hush of twilight’s grace
Where shadows meet and stars embrace
There lies a solace, pure and whole
A gentle balm, soothing to the soul

In nature’s arms, a forest’s hush
Where ancient trees in silence brush
The whispers of a gentle stream
A tranquil place where we may dream

The ocean’s lullaby so deep
As waves on sands in rhythm sweep
It holds a secret, wild and bold
A melody, soothing to the soul

A mother’s touch, a tender song
When weary hearts have been for long
In nurturing embrace, we find
A healing warmth, to ease the mind

In laughter shared with dear old friends
A bond of love that never ends
Their laughter like a sweet extol
A joyous sound, soothing to the soul



The Poetry Lover's Companion

A writer, a poet, and a keen observer of nature, I engulf the emotion of romance and love in my poetry and writings.