Everything Sucks

Free Verse

Jan 24, 2023


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on pexels

Everything sucks, It’s a fact, it’s true
I can’t escape it no matter what I do,
Woke up on the wrong side of bed,
And my day went just like ted.

Work’s a drag, boss a pain,
I’m counting seconds till I can leave again,
I’m grinding day and night, to earn my keep,
Trying to make it, but it’s a constant leap.

I’m broke, and my life’s a flop,
Like trying to climb a mountain on top of a hop,
I’m tired of this, I’m tired of that,
Just want to sit back, and relax.

Everything sucks; it’s a constant grind
To make it through the day, a state of mind
But I’m still trying to have some fun,
So, I’ll go grab a drink, and laugh at all that’s done.




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