
Free verse

James G Brennan
Published in
Jun 15, 2021


Image by John Hain from Pixabay

You live in your excuses,
they drive you,
get you up in the morning.
We don’t mind
so long as you stay alive
entertaining us with grandeur.

You are actually a good person
your performance is that
of a verbal acrobat leaving us
astounded; jealous almost.
You must feel pain in ways
we have no concept
ways we do not understand.

Maybe it would be better
not feeding your excuses,
allowing freedom of voice instead.

Thank you as always, Gaby Rogut for giving my words a platform. 🙏✨
Thank you all for reading and your precious time. Always. J. 🙏✨☘



James G Brennan

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.