
Canvas of a Poet
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2022

“Fear doesn’t shut you down; it wakes you up”- Veronica Roth

Photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash

Hands flailing upwards, gasping in an attempt to grasp precious air that is escaping.
Making an impossible attempt to cling to my dear life,
whilst transitioning from clear to murky vision.
I’m in too deep! and time is now my currency with the limited oxygen I have.
This panic scares me. My muffled thoughts become the current that sinks me.
A fear so mighty that it quakes me.
Possibly meeting my end at the bottom of the sea.
Struck with the fear of losing my sight.
Struck with the fear of waking up on the other side.
Struck with the fear of ending up alone.
Struck with the fear of the world marching on.
Struck with the fear 5 times to mark the hindrance of fear alone.

A vast sensory expanse for feelings and emotions.
A life lived with devotion to sentimental notions.
A Bully is just a naive child coming from a house full of hurt and commotion.

Shattered innocence can sprout belligerence.
Oversee your demons with masterful dominance.
If Fear wants to be a guest then we shall host with utmost diligence.
Like Abraham in biblical times, we treat our guests well.
No parasite comes into my house and wrecks havoc!

Thank you Carlos Velasco for being the lifeguard whilst I swim just like Michael Phelps in my pool of fear!

My inspired strength comes from his wonderful article!
Here I learned that we embody fear, live with it and become one with it.
For it is only an indicator promising great things that lie ahead!

We want to embody fear, it is where we persevere!



Canvas of a Poet

Self-expression is important and your writing is really timeless. I personally enjoy creative writing for its artistic release. I’m here to materialize my voice