Feel and See Beyond

A poem on the moments of love beyond words.

Deborah McNamara
Apr 4, 2022


(Image: J. Plenio, Pixabay)

I see you,
closest in the middle
even through
distant reach —
wisp of hair and flash of eyes,
too far removed
to render anything
but the seeing itself.

It is perfect just as it is:
this moment of love,
even in the passing
you know
what needs to be said:
I love you.
I love this.

Still —
even if no words,
a world unfolds
in a glimpse
each moment
a garden,
a trail along a stream
or serene dip in jeweled lake,
perfect spot
to hold you fluidly
like a dream.

The true journey:
a dive into self
seeing other
and seeing beyond
just here
with each unearthing feeling
slipping now into space
before sleep,
meeting all beloveds
inviting us to simple pleasures,
heavy eyes
bright too
with each reflection



Deborah McNamara

Sustainability & Climate Activist. Yoga Teacher. Author, Invitation of Motherhood: Uncovering the Spiritual Lessons of Parenting. More: www.debmcnamara.com