
Harper’s Transformation

From Tension to Love in Southern California



Photo by Anastasiia Tarasova on Unsplash

Harper lost her cool
as if a rock tossed
at a glass house,
breaking through
the tension
of napalm skies,
coming like a villain,
staying like a lifesaver
in the forest fires tucked
in southern California.
Smoke billowed through
her flared nostrils.
Embers hovered
under her eyeliner.
When she slipped
through the door,
calmness cascaded
in waves of dopamine,
leaving the hillside
with a piece of her mind.
Harper’s appeals
for second-chances
bruised my pride,
but mercy and forgiveness
resurrected springs
of living waters
in my eyes.
Harper shoved the dishes
on the island,
and we made love.
And for once in my life,
love made sense.

(© 2024 AC)

(Amazon Kindle, Spillwords, The Writers Club)

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U.S. Army Veteran. Paratrooper. Runner. Nonprofit. Education. I write short stories and poems.