I Cannot Die

The worst is to switch realms.

John Fáwọlé


Photo credit: Andre Hunter from Unsplash

Our fathers say the earth is a trading floor
Where we all buy, sell, and go home
They said we’ll have to exit this realm
Bàámi said we are only travelers here

But I have found a trick to cheat time
I know how to mess with death
I have the Holy Ghost
I am an immortal being
That's the hack

Concerning my mortal body
It will not rot too
It will be beautiful for eons
I live outside time
I cannot die

I want to keep blessing people
I hope to bless humanity so much
That after this General has gone
People will have my beautiful memories
In their hearts

And when I stay in their hearts
You now get why I said I cannot die

I cannot die
I am immortal
Let death read this and cringe.



John Fáwọlé

Web3 Technical Writer| Content Lead | Success Coach