I’m Sorry to See You Go

A poem

Denee Francese-Smith
Feb 15, 2021


Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

It comes in waves
we didn’t know each other that long
but the impression is deep
creased on my face like a morning pillow.
The feelings bubble
no where to travel.
No matter how much I tell myself
it was only a fling
my heart still objects
stands in the courtroom of my life
exclaiming the warmth it felt
in your presence.
I’m sorry to see you go
so soon.
Our feet barely left the ground
of our hot air balloon love
I was hoping to take off together
bask in the uncharted love space
and let our passion be the heat
that kept us afloat.
like many love stories
like many of my love stories
you jumped off
just in time
before we could really soar.

