In My No-Time Time

A poem

Krystyna Szul
2 min readJan 14, 2023


Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

In my no-time time
Time stands still
Don’t ask me how, or
Maybe it just doesn’t exist, or
Doesn’t matter.

In my no time time
I take my mind, my heart, and my soul out for a walk
Up in the mountains, preferably in the full bloom of summer’s glow, or
In mature golden browns and reds casting long shadows of fall, or
When it quietly snows, and even
When the ground starts to thaw
Alternatively, along a seashore when the tide is low.

In any case
As we walk, the four of us, old-timers, talk
Not without friction and snickering, mind you, we don’t like to listen
At least not at the start, and each feels strongly she is right
Striving for peace and harmony?
Phew, whoever thought of that!
So overrated.

Yet, in my no-time time
We exorcise!
Stress and anxiety
Noise and haste
As to decisions, with not so stellar heart’s and mind’s track record
Soul gets the final call.

In my no-time time
Out of the corner, shimmers of wind and flutters of a butterfly
Lift up mood and hope, break down defenses
Leave no room for drama or pretenses.

Then, thoughts meander, invited or not
Price of admission? Ha! Ha!
Their demands?
Hear them shout — This ain’t the world outside! You can’t ban us! You can’t charge us! You can’t change us (Well, you can, but don’t you dare!)! You have to hear what we’ve got to say! This is a democratic and uncensored realm!
So, fine! I shout back. I’m a pushover. I’ll indulge you, you freeloading thoughts, for now!

And yet, from time-to-time in my no-time time
It somehow sorts itself out
My mind gasps
When a bolt of light, like a shooting star, strikes across her gaze’s horizon
A lighthouse, out of chaos, suddenly rises!
An epiphany, in Morse code, pulsates to the rhythm of my heart.

I hear my soul whisper — Relax. This is your answer!
At that, the four of us suddenly, seamlessly, softly, tenderly,
magically, harmoniously, fold into — one.

Thanks to iPoetry for honoring my poem in your lovely publication. And to all readers, thank you for pausing for a little while over my words. Thank you for your kind support.



Krystyna Szul

A poet/writer-wannabe. A child, learning to walk in the literary world, finding joy in a sandbox of words. Lover of laughter, nature, animals, and good people.