It’s Only Words

A poem

Sujona Chatterjee
2 min readMay 26, 2021


Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

Humans have a gift,
That distinguishes us from animals.
Although, some may say humans are worse,
But that’s an argument for another day and situation.

We are blessed with the gift of words,
And can express how we feel.
Words are spoken in abundance,
Which has the power to hurt and to heal.

Actions speak louder than words,
But words hurt more.
The choice of words leaves scars,
That cause emotional pain and low self-worth.

Why then do we use words,
In the most harmful way possible?
Why not use words in a manner,
That spread the light in the darkness.

Our words can crush a person’s self-confidence,
But it can also uplift one.
A compliment can turn a bad day into the best,
If only we shed our ego and give one.

When animals can show so much love,
Even though they can’t speak.
Imagine then how much love we can give,
If we say the right words to forgive and heal.

You are strong, you are loved,
You are exactly where you are meant to be.
Even reading these words,
Create feelings of joy and peace.

Let’s use words then with caution,
As Dumbledore said, it is our inexhaustible source of magic.
Capable to cause harm and to remedy it,
When he said these words to Harry, at King’s Cross station.

So, from today and right this moment,
Let’s make a conscious effort.
To use words carefully,
And use them to spread smiles and positivity.

As kindness is contagious,
And compliments are everlasting.
Who knows with your kind words,
You changed one’s mind to end the gift of life.



Sujona Chatterjee

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.