Kelompok Debu

A Malay Poem about the Soul

Ivan Yong Wei Kit
Published in
Nov 18, 2020


Photo by Artin Bakhan on Unsplash

In the Original : Malay

Kelompok debu ditiup angin,
Bagai ribut mencemari suasana,
Kata kesat hati mendingin,
Berbudi bahasa insan sempurna.

In English

A ball of dust blown by the wind,
Like the storm, polluting its surroundings,
Harsh words harden the heart,
Whilst graceful ones complete the soul.

Ivan Yong is an organizational psychologist, engineer, author, and startup angel investor. He is also the Founding Vice President of Solidarity (Social Projects) for the European Mentoring & Coaching Council, Asia, a member of the Hong Kong Society of Economists, and a published author with the book titled, “Department of Startup: Why Every Fortune 500 Needs One” by BEP New York. Last but not least, he is a big fan of history and is fluent in 5 languages. Do say hi at

