Liberty: A Sin

Tvisha D. Kumar
Published in
1 min readMay 14, 2023

Responsibility is the price of freedom; to be irresponsible means to be undeserving

Photo by Cristian Siallagan on Unsplash

I must go now, for I have exhausted myself.
I must go now, for I have done what I can.
I must leave, for there is nothing left in me.
I must return to my cage, so I may no longer stay free.

I am a criminal on the loose,
Trying to find my way to the jail.
To think that my freedom was a gift,
Oh, how my thinking has failed.

It is a felony to liberate some,
An error that simply cannot be made.
A prison is more than what they deserve.
Their insanity cannot be contained.

With each step I take,
I hear each second tick by.
I recall that every decision I make:
Has consequences;
They are promises I cannot break.

The very prospect of an aftermath,
Leaves me scarred.
To ponder on the consequences;
Is to walk through fire,
And dive into tar.

Email subscribers: If you received this poem earlier, please ignore that e-mail. This is the updated version. Thanks.



Tvisha D. Kumar
Writer for

Student. I like to write poems and paint when I can.