Life’s Waves

Mind’s Crest
1 min readJul 15, 2022


Sascha Thiele on

And if I decide not to breathe

Will the polar caps melt

Or Sun fail to rise,

Moon weep,

I doubt.


Will the

New days dawn,

Without me to witness.

As the birds song welcome

All who were brave enough to remain,

In fighting the good fight, and witness the light burning the sky in announcement.

And in the darkness of the void will I regret my undertaking, a decision of emotion.

Or lack of one proper, jaded by glass unable

To reflect the color of my light thought

Odd, because its shade was

Newly seen across all

Comfort many

Chose to


While you might think there is but one sun, I must remind you to reconsider.

Is not the nights sky filled with stars who shine, differing only in name.

And if I decide not to breathe

Who will remind you of

Such things.

I wonder.



Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.