Love Me But Don’t Save Me


Words by Egypt
2 min readMay 7, 2024


I want you to love me
to create a cradle for my tender heart in your soul
and never let it go.

I want you to create a vast space inside you
where I’m allowed to glow in my authenticity
I want you to sink your fingers into the depth of me
pull me near and breathe your breath into mine

I want you to love me as the sky loves the earth
never leaving her

But please, dear one, do not save me
don’t allow me to lose myself so much into you
that I have no more power to make my own choices
don’t become my knight and steal away my sovereignty

Because I need my own fire to burn
my heart cannot beat only by your love
it needs my will to keep it going
please don’t take that away
please don’t take me away

Don't fix me
don’t rescue me
don’t make all my pain go away

Such weight isn’t yours to bear
for I must learn my own lessons
and walk my own path

So sweet one
love me with an ever-burning fire
but don’t you dare save me

Poet’s note: I’m Egypt, a poet and writer. I write at the intersection of poetry, words, and thoughts. I’m a lover of life, I’ve been hurt, and I still have hope. I’m healing and learning from it all. Writing and poetry have been powerful tools on my journey. I write to express, touch divinity, and liberate my heart.

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Words by Egypt

Writer and Poet. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts.