Marine Pentacle

gold inside a shell

Deeksha Agrawal
Published in
Feb 2, 2023


Image by Grimnona from Pixabay

Will the cells of body
miss the soul, grieve
And since
there is no judgment
the culprit
shall not be acquitted

On a distant land
the dragon’s breath
sprinkled flames
and cooled down
an inferno fire
of a mass tragedy
that had lit
thousands of pyres

In adjacent ocean
seashells collide
when they ride
the wave of life

Keepers of precious pearls
are none but
borrowed skeletons
of those who were born
without a backbone
now being picked
by greedy children
strolling on a beach home

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Deeksha Agrawal

programmer | love literature | space of inclusive perspectives | acceptance for all thoughts that could possibly exist in the Universe