Midnight Beaches

Free Verse Poetry

2 min readFeb 26, 2024


Photo by J A N U P R A S A D on Unsplash

The skeletons of my buried feelings haunt me in the middle of the night.
I lost some parts of myself somewhere around midnight on the beach.
I stumble and stare at the sea as it ricochets all of its emotions at me.
Why would I be afraid of the dark?
It’s the only place where no one can judge me.
It’s the only place where I feel like a free bird cutting through the sky.
When your life is filled with weeds, you never dream of growing flowers.
I see your name engraved on every wall enclosing my heart.
Where will these tides take me if my moon is my heart and my mind is my sea?
My life didn’t bloom, but my skull and bones will grow all the pretty flowers.
Midnight beaches always taste like you.
Under the moon, over the cold sand near the sea, away from your arms.
Why do we always build all of the beautiful things out of glass?
Why do we stack them up so high, like we forget about the wind that turns into a storm in the beat of a heart?
I sit by the sea and watch it throw back at me all the memories I tried to drown in.
. . . . . . . . .

Copyright © 2024 by Muhammad Abdullah Zafar.
Written in Pakistan
All rights are reserved.

