Mists in Time

Sedo Elijah Ebinne
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2021
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

In the place of my love is a distant light,

From the tower being drawn,

To the earth

And in it-

Memories like old notes,

Stack themselves at my feet

Cocooned in the middle,


Lay strewn.

When they said you’ll leave me,

I didn’t know they meant right now.

Here, where I need you the most,

Where my eyes have taken up a new meaning of what it should see,

And arc and talk about you,

And every pulsing breathe reminds me of your


Flapping in the wind

With the windows down.

Every night,

Your eyes look at me from behind grey skies

And when I burst out crying // I see your teeth,

And clean mine with the salt on my face,

Dripping from my eyes.

As I wrap my head around your absence,

The purple of your night robe,

Seems opaque,

Lights don’t shine in your room since

A litany of prayers is being offered to bring you back

With palm fronds,

Swaying in the air,

My hand reaches and grabs

The last mists of your memories floating to heaven,

Your office card//the key holder in your pocket//your last coffee cup

In the life you lived holding me,

From the mirror

As your face is erased,

From the wrinkles

Of memory,

Of the life you left behind.



Sedo Elijah Ebinne
Writer for

Poet. Writer. Son. Lawyer. Catch my content on personal development: sedoebinne.substack.com