Moonlight Love

In times Sea
1 min readSep 8, 2022


Stepping out into the moist sensuality of the morning fog brings thoughts of passion and you.

The blanket of darkness surrounding us, so prying eyes were not attuned to the blissful music we were to choreograph in sway.

Your eyes twinkle much like that of the sky’s stars, drawing me into the depths of lust, deep within your milky way.

Upon dew-soaked grass blades of silk and brow beaded diamonds compressed through needs drive in nearing bottom while achieving crest climb.

Distant shores we sit beneath moon’s light, absorbed in pleasures thoughts touching us in heart and faux flesh until such time we might taste urgent honey flowing once more.

I know eternal yearn and times drag while we coexist in spirits tease, separated only by ocean waters, and oceans waves we swim in harmonious apex, sweeping us from our bodies.

A moment of bliss, within the moon’s aura, before we face the day rises separated by touch, tied by voice until you return home to my open arms.

These are the seconds of sense beneath the open sky, and open heart, I long for you in silence.



Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.