Nostalgia Blues

Yearning for what was and is no longer

Candice Lynne Fox
1 min readFeb 3, 2021


Photo by Anna Dziubinska on Unsplash

Nostalgia kicks me hard
Like a blow to the stomach
Unexpected, unapologetic
Memories unfurl
As floodgates are opened to a universe
I’ve considered to be obsolete
And even the air
Has this sickeningly familiar feeling
The way it slaps my face
Like an invitation
To remember the things
I’ve longed to forget
The person I thought I was
The imagined woman I would soon become
Have I become her?
I honestly don’t know.
And don’t get me started
On politics
The polarity of which
Puts a pit in my stomach
Places a pulse in my tongue
Numbing it
Rendering it useless
For the foreseeable future
Words don’t come easily
A foreign concept for me
Nostalgia comes in waves
Like an uninvited guest
It is palpable
Its sticky, sweet residue clings to my skin
And I ache to scrub it from the surface
Exposing the pores of the past
The parts that have been tucked away
Pink flesh to greet
The promise of tomorrow.



Candice Lynne Fox

NYC dwelling. Writer for Invisible Illness, The Ascent, Scribe. Lover of personal essays, poetry, nonfiction, and gnitty-gritty realness.