
Death Professor
Published in
Feb 18, 2024
Illustration of something

A new nuisance buzzes about my room.
Ignore it. Let nature spin the cogs
And in weeks begone a new nuisance
Will be born. It lands on my forearm,
Threads its beak to the ocean of life
Bursting through my skin like
Warlords siphoning trespassed
Lands for oil and the occasional diamond.
Like some omnipotent being,
I weigh the balance of its future
On a sword’s edge so fickle, so brittle
It would crumble on another atom’s welcome.
I poise my palm with the languid lulls
Of stealth and behold my divine force.
I am god. I cannot judge the value of a nuisance.



Death Professor
Writer for

23 yo Poet from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Horror—Fantasy—Philosophy / Here I write nonsense impulsively as a vessel of some foreign absurdity. BOOK IS OUT!