On Death

So, how would you want to die?

Mai Koythong
1 min readNov 15, 2018


Photo by Merwan Boudriss on Unsplash

you once asked me
“how would you want to die?”

I answered
“Probably saving someone’s life,”
and you laughed because your answer was
“overeating fries”

you were impressed by My selflessness
but your sly fry reply reminded Me that
I take Myself too seriously.

I must look at Life and see her as
an unimpressed teacher
tutting and sighing at the youth because
time is so short and
opportunities only come by chance so
I better be ready.

but I never feel ready
I’m just permanently dumbfounded by her because
I’m not even sure I understand the assignment.

but death ain’t that serious
she’s the class clown
repeatedly pulling the same old offensive prank
and the joke sucks and I don’t get it
until the joke’s for Me.

when that happens we’ll laugh like crazy
because she got me good
because it was never that serious
because I’ll finally understand
that despite whatever grade life gave us
we graduated anyway

