Open field battles brick walls

Cristina Archer
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2024
Image credit: Ralph David ‘brown rock formation’ from Pexels

Feeling a little melancholy
at the thought of several oceans
becoming the physical distance norm
after a too brief wonder — of exploring wandering
through a full week of time spent together
hugging an open-field communicator mind mate.

Deeply satiating — truly fulfilling joy.

A stark contrast
to the (searing disappointment of)
brick-walled people that makeup
much of the rest of the time.

Feeling shame and guilt filled sorrow
when asking questions to the latter.
Watching one waller squirm so uncomfortable
with my unfiltered inquisitiveness and openness.

Promising to tone it down in the future
to vanillacide levels
to fit properly within their
compartmentalised demanded boundaries.

But it is impossible to avoid slipping up.
Besides — why should I
fight against my curious mind?
Forced to feel caged, chained, and muzzled like an unwanted dog.

Maybe one day, that brick wall
will feel comfortable enough
for unbridled conversation
or at least consider me a trusted friend.

Life’s too short to live without a little emotional vulnerability.
It’s more than just a collection of experiences.
It’s the people we connect with on a deeper level,
including family and friends that make it worth living.

Most of the people I encounter
don’t gain that wisdom
until they are much older.
(In truth, it took me a long time to get there myself.)

Every now and then, I discover
a very rare, deeper friendship jewel — a diamond.
Imbued with empathy and
willingness to express feelings.

Good and bad.
Without walls.
An open field for flowing free frolicking banter.
It’s made life better.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be so greedy
as to want more people
like the mind-mate exception
enriching my life.

So, my battle cry to the wallers -
break the bricks that weigh down and bind you.
(Barking chant repeated)
Tear down your walls.


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Cristina Archer

political whipping girl, writer (speculative fiction/poetry/life), aspiring photographer, wig collector, with Méchant Publishing and Rowanvale Books